Archive for speech-demon
What’s that myth about cats seeing spirits? Eeh, must be nothing. On a related note, panel 4 was so much fun to work on!
And that’s a wrap for Chapter 4! Quite a lot has happened, hasn’t it? Chapter 5 will begin on the next update, Oct. 3. I’m super excited for it! Look forward to Buddy’s sleepover adventure!
Unfortunately we know that Buddy has a weakness to animals. And even MORE unfortunate is knowing how young sweet Buddy was when it all began.
Will Buddy say no to that precious little face? It’d be pretty difficult to do so I think. This marks the 100th page of Say Something! What an incredible milestone! Thank you so much for reading this far, and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
And so it appears. Despite the really tense situation, I’m quite pleased with the style change I did for the demon! It feels much more like a sinister shadow.