Updating experiment
Currently, SAY SOMETHING updates bimonthly on Saturdays. I feel that the story has stagnated considerably especially considering this is more of a slice-of-life drama than an action story. Back when SAY SOMETHING started in 2016 (wow..) updates were every Saturday. I’d like to try that again.
Throughout February 2025 I’ll bring back the old update schedule. So rather than the 2 pages a month you’ve been getting sporadically for several years you’ll get 4. It may just be for 1 month, but if this goes well I can keep the new schedule. That’s something I would love to keep up, but I’ll need support to do so.
If you like SAY SOMETHING, or just my art in general, consider leaving a tip on my ko-fi or become a member. Members are a page ahead of public SAY SOMETHING releases and the pages are high quality. Memberships also start as low as $3. If my current ko-fi goal is met, a new tier will unlock where you gain access to in-progress work of other comic projects and illustrations. This can range from early scripts to finished pages. Along with SAY SOMETHING, I’ve got a short graphic novel in the works that I’d like to finish this year and a multi-chapter long comic that I’m hoping to finish scripting by the end of the year.
With support and interest, I’m hopeful that this can all be done. Thank you <3
Ko-fi: robinfae
Information on my other comics: This takes you to my tumblr